Responsible gaming: Basic concepts

The Indian government supports efforts to create a favorable, safe, and comfortable atmosphere in the gambling world. Gambling establishments, including 1win, help government agencies in this. The company has developed several measures that are aimed at maintaining customer control. Moreover, the organization is convinced that customers need to be constantly informed about the negative consequences of gambling and instill good habits in them.

1win India strives to ensure that all products and services provided on the official website and 1Win mobile application are user-friendly, meet the expectations of the player, and are purely entertaining. At the same time, the institution constantly updates the policy of responsible gambling, based on the experience of international organizations in this matter.

1win Responsible Gaming In India

Reminders for Consciousness

Gambling and sports betting are just one of the ways to have a good time. Through these entertainments, users can improve their gaming as well as personal skills, relax, and make new friends. Despite the inspiring atmosphere, players should remember to know when to stop and play with caution. Therefore, 1win India offers its customers to keep in mind some factors:

  • Gambling is not the main source of income, but a way to pay off a loan or distribute debts.
  • After a losing bet, you should not try to win back immediately, as this will not help you.
  • It is worth making a bet only if the client has enough funds for this.
  • You need to pay attention to how much money you have spent.
Keeping control for 1win players

Preventive measures

Although few people suffer from gambling addiction according to official statistics, 1win India considers it its duty to inform players about this problem. The list of preventive measures helps users to play responsibly:

  • Players must be aware that there are no formulas that guarantee victory. In online casinos, everything is based on chance.
  • For a successful game, the client must always know the rules and understand what he is doing.
  • The user must have a desire to make a bet not imposed by anyone.
Rules For 1win Players

In some cases, it is really difficult to diagnose gambling addiction. Therefore, customers can self-check and answer special questions. This will help determine the degree of involvement in gambling:

  1. Do you increase the amount of the bet with each game?
  2. Are you too serious about losing or winning?
  3. You do not have enough money of your own and you borrow it from friends or relatives?
  4. Is your reputation getting worse because of gambling?
  5. Are you making less time for work, family and friends?
  6. Are you trying to win back after a loss?
Gambling Addiction Prevention In 1Win India

Responsible Gaming Tips

It is possible to enjoy gambling and at the same time remain a conscious player. 1win India offers users some valuable tips:

  • Before starting the game, determine the amount of time and money that you can spend on the casino.
  • If you are not sure about your promise, set a deposit limit in the settings of the gambling establishment.
  • Do not borrow money from friends or relatives for bets.
  • Make enough time for other hobbies.
  • Do not visit online casinos in a bad mood or while intoxicated.
Tips For 1win Players

Profile Freeze

If you have been diagnosed with a gambling addiction or want to take a break from betting, you can use the self-exclusion feature. To do this, you must contact the customer support service with the appropriate request.

After the self-exclusion period has expired, you will be able to return to the game. However, if you decide to permanently leave gambling, then your account will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

Self-exclusion from the 1win game in India